
id0-rsa.pubのメモ【Insufficient Key Size】

Insufficient Key Size 以下問題文。 An incompetent systems administrator accidentally configured the company's encryption system to use very small keys. This RSA key modulus is only 119 bits. -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MBYCD3AY9xf8ZmUVD…

id0-rsa.pubのメモ【Ps and Qs】

Ps and Qs 以下問題文。 Here is an RSA public key and a message that's been encrypted with it. -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSAJBAKzl5VggSXb/Jm2oqkPeRQwtpmGlLnJT Nre4LKx3VUljtLzYWj4xoG+aHBouwJT7DyeibpasCH8Yderr4zIGT…